Best Possible Hand In Poker
TOP 10 MOST AMAZING POKER HANDS EVER!Help us to 200K Subscribers - you are reading this, comment what poker video you want to see next. Poker hands from highest to lowest 1. Royal flush A, K, Q, J, 10, all the same suit. Today, is the best poker information portal for free poker content. An ace-high straight flush, commonly known as a royal flush, is the best possible hand in many variants of poker. Each hand belongs to a category determined by the patterns formed by its cards. A hand in a higher-ranking category always ranks higher than a hand in a lower-ranking category. How Does a High Card Hand Match Up? High Card is the ninth best possible hand in the poker hand ranking system – putting it in last place. One pair ranks directly above it, with the best One Pair being Aces. There are no hands that rank below High Card. Therefore, it is the worst hand according to the standard poker hand ranking system. Join the What Is The Best Hand Possible In Poker amazing free slots experience played by millions on the web, Facebook, iPhone, iPad, Android, Amazon and Windows Phone. Slotomania games are available across all devices from PC to Tablet and Cell phones, a fantastic opportunity for people who want to play the latest slots games on the go.
A standard pack of 52 cards is used. The ace is the high card, but it can also be used as the low card depending on your hand.
Despite the many different types of Poker Game Variants, the ranking of Poker hands is always consistant. While online poker games are almost always played with a 52 card deck, the Joker is sometimes used for Draw style games and is never used when playing ‘flop games’ like Texas Hold’em. All poker hand rankings are made from the best five cards available, and suits are not ranked.
Hand Rankings
Below you see the hands you can get in poker. Number 1 is the best possible hand and number 11 the weakest.
1. 5 of A Kind
When using a joker or wildcards then “Five of a Kind” is the best hand in online poker. However, as already mentioned that a 5 of a kind is not available in flop games such as Texas Holdem. Cards are ranked with Ace as the highest card, and then face cards down to the two, or Deuce. Because of this a hand of five aces, with four aces and a joker, is the best possible hand in online poker.
2. Royal Flush
In online poker where the joker is not in play, then the best possible hand is the “Straight Flush.” This is five cards of the same suit in consecutive order and the same suit. (the Ace of clubs, King of clubs, Queen, Jack and Ten of clubs for example. (In Spades, Diamonds, Hearts or Clubs)
3. Straight Flush
A Straight Flush is all five cards in the same suit. For example, the Jack of clubs, 10 of clubs, 9, 8 and 7 of clubs for example. (In Spades, Diamonds, Hearts or Clubs)
4. Four of a Kind
After the Straight Flush is a “Four of a Kind,” which are four cards of the same number or value, with any card as a fifth. The higher ranking the four cards the better the hand, for example, four nines beat out four eights in online poker and so on.
5. Full House
A “Full House” in online poker is three cards of the same rank combined with another pair from a different rank, (three Queens and two fours, or three fives and two Aces). Three cards of one number or face value and two cards of another number or face value. If more then one player has a full house, the full house with the highest ranking three of a kind wins.
6. Flush
After a Full House comes the “Flush,” with five cards of the same suit is the best hand in online poker. The cards are not in consecutive order, and different hands are ranked in order of the highest card down. A Flush that starts with an Ace and then skips down to a 7,6,4,3 still beats a Queen, 10,8,6,3. If two flushes have the same cards then the pot is split.
7. Straight
A straight is five cards in sequence. Cards Can be in any suit and an ace can be used as high or low. As an example, a hand with 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of any suit constitutes a straight hand. Where there are two straights in the same game by two separate players, the player with the highest card wins.

8. Three of a kind
Three cards of the same number or face value with two additional cards. These two separate cards are called a kicker. Where two players in a game both have a 3-of-A-Kind, the player with the highest card rank wins. For example, three Kings beats three Jacks. If cards are of the same rank for example both players have 3 Jacks, then the highest kicker is used to determine the winning hand, then the second kicker if necessary. A 3-of-A-Kind is also referred to as a set or trips, however, in Texas Holdem, the 3-of-A-kind is only a set only when the player has pocket pairs with the 3rd card to make up the 3-of-A-Kind on the board.
9. Two Pair
A Pair is a two cards of the same number with another two cards consisting of another number, with one final card called the kicker. If two players have a two pair, the hand with the highest pair wins. Where both players have the same ranking cards for pairs, the kicker card determines the winning hand.
10. One Pair
Two cards of the same number or value. The player with the highest number valued pair wins, where two players both have a Pair. Where both players have the same ranked card as a pair, the highest kicker card (3 remaining cards of different rank) determines the winning hand.
Best Hand In Poker Holdem
11. High card
The hand with the highest cards wins. The Ace being the highest card with two the lowest. Where both cards have the same number ranked high card, the next high card is used to determine the winning hand.
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Lowball hand rankings fall into four main categories A-5, A-6, 2-7 and 2-6. This article will cover each category and show you what beats what when playing different lowball poker games. The one thing that all of the lowball poker hand rankings have in common is that they are all based around players making the lowest possible hand as opposed to the highest possible hand.
The most popular lowball games are Razz, 2-7 Triple Draw and 2-7 Single Draw all of which can be played at alongside Badugi and Stud Hi/Lo.
Ace to five hand ranking
When playing any game that uses ace to five hand rankings the best possible holding is A-2-3-4-5 which is commonly known as the wheel. Aces are always considered to be low cards when playing ace to five lowball games and straights and flushes are completely ignored when evaluating hand strength. Razz poker is the most popular lowball poker game which uses ace to five hand rankings and is basically Seven Card Stud but with lowball hand rankings replacing the usual hand rankings.
When playing Ace to Five lowball games it’s important to note that Aces are low cards and low cards only. This means that A-A-x-x-x would always beat 2-2-x-x-x.
Ace to six hand rankings
The best possible hand when playing any poker game which uses the ace to six hand rankings system is A-2-3-4-6. This is because straights and flushes count as high hands instead of being ignored. Aces are always considered low cards. Ace to six is often known as 6-4 low because the best hand you can make is 6-4-3-2-A. London Lowball is one of the only poker games which uses the ace to six lowball hand rankings.
Remember when you play Ace to Six poker that A-K-Q-K-T is in fact not a straight. Aces are low cards only and therefore A-K-Q-K-T would beat a hand like 3-10-J-Q-K. Like in Ace to Five poker A-A-x-x-x would always beat 2-2-x-x-.
2-7 hand rankings
When using 2-7 hand rankings the absolute best possible hand is 2-3-4-5-7. Aces are always high cards when using deuce to seven rankings and straights and flushes will always count as high hands. 2-7 is often known as 7-5 due to the best possible hand starting 7-5. The deuce to seven hand rankings are thought to be the exact opposite of the regular high hand rankings used by most poker games. 2-7 Single Draw and 2-7 Triple Draw are the most popular deuce to seven games around.
2-6 lowball hand rankings
Best Hand In Poker Pre Flop
2-6 lowball hand rankings state that the best hand a player can make is 2-3-4-5-6. This is because aces are always high cards but straight and flushes never count against you. Deuce to six lowball hand rankings are pretty uncommon and there aren’t any games online you can play which use this ranking system.
If you fancy playing any of the top lowball poker games then is the place to do so. Currently they spread the following lowball games:
– Razz
– Badugi
– 2-7 Triple Draw
– 2-7 Single Draw
– Stud Hi/Lo
– Omaha Hi/Lo
Visit PokerStars the best place to play lowball poker online.