Interesting Poker Facts

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Poker is definitely one of the most competitive games out there.

  1. Here are some interesting facts about poker and texas holdem poker.
  2. Discover fun, interesting & unexpected facts about poker. We have pulled together these entertaining poker trivia titbits for you to enjoy.

May it be live or online, as the game heavily requires life, or should I say lying, skills in order to win the game – most of the time.

Below are some of the interesting facts about how people may use those skills when competing in the game (and some bonus facts about lying in general).

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Classic Poker Tells

Leaning forward or backward – generally indicates a strong hand.

Suddenly bolt upright – when a player sits slouchy or relaxed and then suddenly sits bolt upright, this could only mean that he has a strong hand like a pair of aces, queens or kings.

Interesting Poker Facts Easy

Being cocky – a player starts talking to you in a hand telling you to fold means he has the nuts.


Beware the distracted – when a player seems to be not paying too much attention to the game, like chatting to another player or half-watching the TV, chances are he’s not bluffing.

Voice pitch is a reliable tell – a higher than usual voice when speaking implies a strong hand (probably he’s too excited), as does an unnaturally low voice as the player tries to compensate for this and over does it. This aspect of bluffing is pretty hard to control.

The eyes can tell – pupil dilation is impossible to control, especially to non-brown colored eyes. This is a strong indication of a strong hand.

Bluffers will always try to stare you down.

Shaky hands mean the player has something – though this metric is only accurate to beginner-level players.

How they stack their chips – pro-poker players do sometimes use this as a technique in fooling their opponents.

Sweat – probably the biggest tell ever in the game.

In online poker, screen names can tell who are a fish and a shark – Seductive girls name mostly suggests that the user is a good player pretending to be an amateur.

Trash talking on chatbox more often than not means a player is bluffing.

Pros use time zones to their advantage in Online Poker – for instance, if you’re playing in the US at night, it’ll be the early hours of morning in the Europe. Those guys are more likely to be playing while tired (may also be drunk and very prone to silly bluffs).

Auto-raise/bet/check on the flop speaks volumes – auto-raising before the flop is a sign of strength 99% of the time for normal players, given that there’s only little benefit in bluffing this.

Interesting Myths about Lying

People are not more likely to break eye contact when lying.

People will not touch their face more while lying.

The rate of blinking can indicate lying, but only if you know in great detail the person’s base blinking rate.

When retelling a version of events, someone who is less chronological and seemingly misses out important details is actually more likely to be telling the truth.

Interesting Lying Facts and Statistics

84% of people think there is such a thing as an acceptable lie.

83% of women feel guilty after lying.

70% of men feel guilty after lying.

71% of people think it is fine to protect someone with a lie.

Interesting Poker Facts Crossword

57% of people are happy to lie if they didn’t like a gift they’ve been given.

10% of people claim they are likely to lie to their partner.

Most Popular Lies made by Males

Interesting Poker Facts In America

I didn’t have that much to drink.

Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.

I had no signal.

It wasn’t that expensive.

I’m on my way.

I’m stuck in traffic.

No, your bum doesn’t look big in that.

Sorry, I missed your call.

You’ve lost weight.

It’s just what I’ve always wanted.

Most Popular Lies Made by Female

Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.

I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it.

It wasn’t that expensive.

I didn’t have that much to drink.

I’ve got a headache.

It was in the sale.

I’m on my way.

Oh, I’ve had this ages.

No, I didn’t throw it away.

It’s just what I’ve always wanted.

The Biggest Lie that Online Users Make Every day:

Clicking on “I agree with the terms and agreement”, when most of them didn’t really take the time to read the entire thing.

The rate of blinking can indicate lying, but only if you know in great detail the person's base blinking rate.

Poker is arguably the most popular card game in the world today on both land based casinos and virtual online casinos alike. The learning curve isn't steep and there is a skill element involved in the equation so it is not a game based purely on luck. Poker has been around for a good 200 odd years, but there are some poker facts which may still blow your mind and give you a little something to think about.

FACT #1: Poker originated from the USA

If the name Texas Hold em' hadn't already given it away, we are here to tell you that the birth place of poker was America, specifically, New Orleans. New Orleans also happens to be the birth place of Jazz music and cocktails. It is not possible to trace down the exact location of where the first hand of poker was played, but historians confirm that the game was drafted and developed in the Louisiana area.

FACT #2: The early versions of Poker was played with just 20 cards

The poker we have come to know and adore today is played with a full deck of 52 cards. However, in its early days, poker could be played with just a deck of twenty cards and four players.

The game back then was a little less convoluted, the four players were each dealt five cards and the betting would begin on who had the best hand. Historians say the 52 deck card was first integrated as a whole into game from the year 1834 onwards.

FACT #3: A game of Poker once lasted nearly eight and a half years


The Bird Cage Theatre in Arizona claims to have been home to the longest ever poker game that ever ensued. The game supposedly began in 1881 and lasted a staggering eight years, five months and three days. According to the Bird Cage Theatre the players were all well-known wild wild west kind of personalities and the minimum buy in was $1000.

FACT #4: Poker chips and how they came to be

During its infancy, poker was played for gold nuggets, gold coins and even gold dust. It was hard to standardize units due to this and the need for a standard unit soon became apparent. This is when gaming houses and Saloons came up with poker chips. Poker chips used to be made of ivory, bone, clay and wood. The Poker chips used to have designs on it to depict its value. The coins could be exchanged for real money right at the gaming house pretty much just like how it works in casinos nowadays.

FACT #5: The first poker tournament broadcast

It is not uncommon for poker tournaments to be televised all over the globe today, but it was in 1973 that a poker tournament was, for the very first time, televised. The tournament was the world series of Poker which was occurring in Las Vegas.

FACT #6: Poker is the most lucrative sport in the world

We all know how much footballers, NBA players and golfers can make, but what is not as well known is that if you look at the top five biggest prizes awarded in super high roller tournaments the sum of these awards totals up to $44,202,738 which makes poker the most lucrative game in the world by a good margin.

FACT #7: UK poker in the Guinness Book

The largest game of poker to have taken place was in Onchan, Isle of Man. There were 225,000 grinders vying for the top $25,000 in June 2013. The tournament hosted by PokerStars had a $1 buy-in.

FACT #8: The evolution of poker

Poker is believed to have evolved from Dominoes and ranked card combinations. It was back in 969 A.D. that Emperor Mu-Tsung is said to have played domino cards with his wife. What’s more interesting is that bluffing was integral to that game and so it is today.

FACT #9: Food for thought

  • Over 300 million 7 card poker hand combinations exist.
  • The best poker player will not have more than a 5% edge against another good player.
  • The way pro-poker players stack their chips is usually a technique used to fool their opponents.
  • Leaning forward or backward is an indication of a strong hand.
  • Bluffers use the ‘eye to eye’ aka staring technique to get you down.
  • Superstitious poker players gamble in dirty clothes. A sure fire way to success, say some of the legends.

Poker has come a long way from being played with 20 cards for gold dust to where people can play for fun on Facebook or play for real in high roller, lustrous tournaments. Has the game stopped evolving? What will poker be like in the future? We can only ponder!